Faryar Jabbari, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Presentation Title:
Coordinated charging protocols for high penetration of battery electric vehicles (BEV)
While the overall market share of electric vehicles is small, its growth rate, its non-uniform concentration and the increasing power levels of charging stations can soon cause difficulties for the electricity delivery systems at the regional, institutional or residential levels. In this talk a few of the challenges that large penetration of BEVs can pose will be reviewed and protocols for coordination of the charging schedules for a large number of vehicles will be discussed. Key requirements are simplicity of the protocol, with respect to communication needs, and attention to issues such as privacy or integration of significant levels of intermittent renewables.
The focus is on the two most practical locations for charging: overnight residential or day-time place of employment. In residential charging, avoiding the peak-hour grid load and reducing potential damage to distribution transformers become significant, while in day-time charging utilization levels of charging infrastructure, cost considerations due to tariffs or availability of solar power become more significant.
Faryar Jabbari is with the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of California, Irvine. His areas of research include control theory, particularly in control design for systems with bounded actuators, and its applications to vibration isolation, earthquake engineering and energy systems. He has served as Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control and Automatica and was the Program Chair for 2011 American Control Conference and 2009 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.