Prof. Greenspan heads the Medical Image Processing and Analysis Lab at the Biomedical Engineering Dept. in the Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University. Prof. Greenspan has been conducting research in image processing and computer vision for the past 20 years, with a special focus on deep learning, image modeling and analysis, resolution augmentation, and content-based image retrieval. Prof. Greenspan received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, in 1986 and 1989, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from CALTECH – California Institute of Technology, in 1994. She was a Postdoc with the Computer Science Division at U.C. Berkeley from 1995 to 1997. In 1997 she joined Tel-Aviv University.
From 2008 until 2011, Prof. Greenspan was a visiting Professor at Stanford University, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine. She was also a visiting researcher at IBM Research in the Multi-modal Mining for Healthcare group, in Almaden CA. She is now also affiliated with the Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at Berkeley, CA.
Prof. Greenspan has 51 journal publications in top-ranking journals, and more than 100 conference publications. She is the inventor of several patents. She is an Associate Editor of the top ranking journal in Medical imaging (IEEE-TMI) and is an active member of several international professional societies.