Raja Giryes, Ph.D.
Raja Giryes, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering
Tel Aviv University
Presentation Title: 
A deep learning based optical system
In this talk, Raja Giryes will show how it is possible to design the optics of a camera along with its image signal processing (ISP) parts using deep learning. This approach allowing getting better image quality compared to other approaches and to achieve depth maps from just a single lens.

Raja Giryes is a faculty member in the Department of EE – Systems at Tel Aviv University.

Giryes has done a Postdoc in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University, and received BSc, MSc and PhD from the Department of Computer Science at the Technion — IIT.

Research Interests: 
Signal and image processing: theory and applications, deep learning, sparse representations, compressed sensing, low dimensional signal modeling, low-light imaging, computational imaging, task-driven sensing, inverse problems

The Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Tel Aviv University